
15/03/2011 No surf=Carnage

It’s been a bit of hit and miss on the surf front these last few weeks so I have been directing my attention to some other small events taking place in our world-other than the surf! I love these shots because they really highlight the way in which nature’s creatures continue in their daily struggle for survival, never knowing what’s around the corner. Feel like you’ve been caught in a web lately? Maybe it’s time to get out?  This poor little fly didn’t stand a chance after he chanced into Charlotte’s web. I love the way these clever little spiders make their houses out of crisp leaves then sit comfortably while their web inflicts the damage. Awesome!

Hopefully some surf pics in the coming weeks. Just to tide you over though I have included a recent shot I took of a point break just before the sun disappeared for the day. I’m dying to shoot this spot while it’s really on so keep logging in to see if I score it soon!